Get Results With The 80/20 Rule

by | May 30, 2017 | BLOG, Diet, Fitness, Inspiration, Stress

People are just confused and overwhelmed when it comes to diet

Atkins. Vegan. South Beach. Paleo. Cleanses. Gluten-free. All Natural.

So many different protocols and opinions.

Many of them do come with some weight loss and healthy benefits.

My good friend, Nutrition Expert Mike Trinchitella always says “There is no perfect or #1 diet in the world, the fact is EVERY DIET WORKS.”

The reason most diets work is because people who never diet or eat mindfully suddenly get on a disciplined plan that requires them to make healthier food choices and exercise more.

So they get results in the short term, but how many of those diets are sustainable for life?

In this micro-wave all or nothing society we live in people want results, and they want them yesterday!

Developing lifelong healthy living habits seems like an afterthought. It’s all about going to the extreme to get a better-body and results ASAP.

I see it everywhere.

So they go on these different diets that don’t stick.

It seems like people are constantly taking two steps forward and one step back, ultimately leaving them discouraged in the same exact spot as when they started sometimes even heavier.

I get it  NO ONE out there is actually trying to lose the weight and GAIN it back.

Nor are they trying to get in shape, then get out of shape.

So why do people subscribe to ridiculous sometimes dangerous diets and protocols that they know are eventually going to fail?

At TFW Mahopac we don’t sell shakes or make people go to extremes when it comes to nutrition.

We coach people, we educate them on what foods to eat, what to avoid, portion sizes, meal prep and most of all building good habits.

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I say a lot of things to my members. I’m constantly trying to motivate them and deliver a positive message.

I would say the message I’m most known for is living your life in balance.

Enjoy your life

Enter the 80/20 rule.

You see its not a diet It’s a lifestyle, something you can maintain forever.

What Is the 80/20 Rule?


You eat clean, real, whole foods for about 80 percent of your week leaving the other 20 percent of your week to indulge a little.

The 80/20 rule affords you the opportunity to enjoy the foods you love and keep your weight in check.

By allowing yourself to indulge a little it not only keeps you sane but keeps you from feeling the guilt most people feel after a night at King Kone.

You will however have to be careful not to overeat.

If you are eating large portions of even healthful foods, like whole grains, fruits, nuts, healthy fats, lean proteins, you can exceed your body’s energy needs and gain weight. Even though we do not count calories in our program they still do count. Over eating will always lead to weight gain.

So it’s still always important to practice moderation and portion control with the 80/20 rule.

Your indulgences need to be a reasonable portion rather than an all out binge session.

Even though 20 percent is for a “cheat meal’ or a dessert, it doesn’t mean you should order the milk shake to go with nachos, potato skins and the cheeseburger & fries!

Always keep in mind your goal. Just because there’s wiggle room for some indulgences (a glass of red wine with dinner, a piece of cake for dessert) doesn’t mean those calories should or HAVE to be wasted on food with zero nutritional value.

Make good choices!

Furthermore, you don’t even need to use all 20 percent! In fact, it’s probably best to shoot lower than 20 percent.

I ask members questions like “how disciplined are you willing to be?” or “How far are you willing to go?”

Some people can handle 90/10 or 85/15.

You will have to be the judge of how you want to live, the more disciplined and consistent you are with healthy eating and exercise the more results you will see.

Start implementing the 80/20 rule in your lifestyle.  When you start to eat more nutrient dense whole foods, you will learn to crave a bowl of blueberries and bananas instead of cake, or roasted  kale chips instead of potato chips

When you start making choices like that you will begin to think of that 20 percent it as some wiggle room to just live your life and not a reward.

Are you struggling with nutrition? Overwhelmed with what to eat or how to meal prep?  Do you simply need more accountability? Fill out the form below and one of our PN Certified Nutrition Coaches will be in touch with you right away!

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